● 解决问题:降低摩擦系数,减少磨损、咬合等。
● 克服或减少机械润滑问题,提高机械的工作效率及使用寿命。
● 能消除或减少由摩擦、磨损等引起的许多设备维修、维护问题
● 保持零件尺寸不变,涂层厚度仅0.5微米。
● 标准载荷达100,000PSI(或与基材的承载能力相同)。
● 操作温度范围广,从-273℃到650℃。
● 稳定、无毒、无腐蚀性、不溶于其它溶剂,其良好的兼容性也提高了所有与其同存油类的性能。
● 物体表面可达100%润滑。
● 极低的摩擦系数抑制了碳的堆积,摩擦系数可减至0.030。
● 与所有物质在分子水平上结合,基材表面结合的WS2微粒只能通过去除基材表面才能消除。
摩擦系数 0.030(动态),0.070(静态)
承载能力 膜层与基材的承载能力相同,膜最高承载可达
润滑温度范围 在正常大气压中,从-273℃到650℃
化学稳定性 惰性物质,无毒
磁 性 无磁性
硬 度 洛氏硬度约30RC
膜 厚 0.5微米
颜 色 兰灰色
耐腐蚀性 减缓腐蚀,但不能完全防止基体受腐蚀
可镀基材 铁、钢、铝、铜等各种金属,塑料及人造固体
兼容性 与大部分油漆兼容, 与溶剂、油、燃料兼容
军用标准 DOD-L-85645
WS2 Coating
Tungsten Disulfide (WS2) is a low friction dry lubricant coating that improves performance and service life better than other dry lubricants by reducing friction & noise, improving mold release, and solving problems of excessive wear, seizing, galling and fretting. The Tungsten Disulfide coating service process is done with pressurized air that impinges a dry metallic coating without heat, binders or adhesives. The lubricant coating bonds instantly to any metal or resin substrate with a thickness of 0.00002 in. (1/2 micron).
Benefits and Capabilities of Tungsten Disulfide (WS2)
The WS2 low friciton coating overcomes or reduces mechanical lubrication problems which improve performance and extend service life.
Reduces friction to lower emissions as less fuel is used for a given power level when applied to engine parts such as pistons rings, cams and bores.
Eliminates and reduces costly maintenance problems that cause breakdowns and expensive downtime by stopping galling, fretting and friction caused by dissimilar metals and their different hardness factors.
Maintains the dimensional integrity of the substrate to within 1/2 micron with no build-up. Tungsten Disulfide (WS2) particles will not adhere to themselves so the coating thickness is limited to 1/2 micron.
Withstands loads to 100,000 psi (or load capacity equal to substrate) and operates in the temperature range of -460°F to 1200°F (-273°C to 650°C).
Offers 100% Lubricity throughout its texture.
Is inert, inorganic, non-toxic, non-distortive, non-corrosive and resistant to most fuels solvents. It is compatible with and enhances the performance of all oils and greases.
Resists carbon build-up due to its extremely low co-efficient of friction, less than half that of graphite, Moly (MoS2) and Teflon.
Molecularly bonds to all materials and platings and can only be eliminated by removing the bonded substrate.
No bakeout or heat curing is required for the application of Tungsten Disulfide (WS2).
Tungsten Disulfide combination coatings for additional wear & corrosion protection.
WS2 provides:
● maintenance of the dimensional integrity of the substrate to within 0.5 microns (20 millionths) with no build-up
● enhancement of the flow of resin due to its low coefficient
of friction
● reduction in part weight. Part is not packed as tight
● release of parts quicker
● reduction of pressure and mold wear
● lower operating temperatures
● the capability to produce more parts per hour
● reduction of rejects
● an inert, inorganic, non-toxic, non-distortive, non-corrosive
lubrication that is resistant to most fuel solvents
● compatibility with and enhancement of all other lubricants and
releasing agents
● sight delay of corrosion
● bonding to all metal or plastic materials and platings and can’t be
removed without eliminating the bonded substrate
● elimination of material transfer to finished agents
● application to no.1 diamond mirror finish . . . lense quality
● 100% lubricity throughout the entire mold
● application into slots or holes as small as .060 inch
● application to the entire mold surface or only specified inserts,
cavities and core pins